Many teens who attempt suicide do so because of a temporary problem, like the end of a romance. When guns are involved, teens can waste their lives and destroy the happiness of their friends and families in an instant. They are thinking of a passing problem, not the outcome!

Teen Suicide—A Big Problem

Does a gun in the home increase the chance of suicide? YES!

Does it matter how a person tries to commit suicide? YES!

Protect Young People from Killing Themselves

Teens often see any change as a major life event. Adults and teens need to talk about things, like budding sexuality and taking responsibility for one's own actions, as they occur.

It is best to not have any guns in homes where children or teenagers live.

If there is a gun:

Many communities have laws that prevent teenagers from getting their own weapons.

Find out what the laws are in your community and ask that they be enforced.

Most young survivors of a serious suicide attempt do not commit suicide later, and most survivors of suicide attempts are glad they were saved.