Children love to explore. As they learn new skills, like crawling, walking, climbing, or running, there are more ways of getting into trouble! Much of this trouble will be small. But, if there is a gun in the house, a child's curiosity can lead to severe injury or death.

FACT : Nearly 40% of the homes with children in the United States have a gun.

FACT : Children as young as 3 years may be strong enough to pull the trigger on a handgun.

FACT : Every other day, on average, an American child under age 10 is killed or disabled with a gun.

When it comes to guns, parents can't be too careful!

Parents Need to ASK: Asking Saves Kids

Even if you do not own a gun, ask your neighbors, friends, and family if they do before your child visits their homes.

Sometimes it can be hard for a parent to ask about guns. One mother asks this way, "My child is very curious. Do you have guns or anything dangerous that he might get into?"

Some people may not agree with you, but it's important that you talk with them about your concerns. Here are some tips to make asking about guns easier:

Commonly Asked Questions

"With so much violence, isn't it safer for me to have a handgun in my home to protect my family?"

No. In homes with handguns, it is much more likely that the handgun will be used to shoot a family member or friend than in self-defense.

Every year, thousands of Americans are seriously injured or killed when:

"Can't i just hide my gun and teach my child not to touch it?"

No. Children need better protection from guns.

In one mother's words:

"My brothers admitted as adults that, as children, they would go in my dad's room and take out the gun and play with it."

This family was lucky, but many others are not.